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Cover of Mothership of the Ancients - Regeneration

of the Ancients

When Lidar specialist, Zac Hamilton, finds an anomaly in a scan of the Arizona desert and is sent to provide more details, he, and a team of specialists, discover a secret that has been hidden for hundreds of thousands of years that may alter what they know of human history and have serious consequences for Earth’s future.


Zac and the team must brave the threats along the US Mexico border, facing mercenaries, and fighting to protect the future of Earth from those who don’t understand the science behind what they have discovered. The team, sworn to secrecy, much face the challenges of their lives beyond the site, knowing they can’t leave but are unable to explain the reasons to those outside of their circle. They learn to trust and rely on each other, dealing with the fear of the unknown and discovering hidden strengths and abilities.


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